sexual health 08

What is safe and healthy sex? How to avoid sexual disease

What is safe and healthy sex? Why should have safe sex? Safety measures when having sex … These are frequently asked questions on current health forums. This is completely understandable as the number of people with dangerous sexually transmitted diseases is increasing rapidly. Therefore, experts always recommend that men and women need to grasp and thoroughly learn about sexual knowledge, considering this special health knowledge necessary, not a delicate and discreet issue.

1. What is safe and healthy sex?

To know what safe and healthy sex is, readers need to first understand the concept of sex. According to the World Health Organization WHO, sex is not just intercourse but also includes actions and gestures such as cuddling, caressing, kissing, hugging, stimulating … between two people to satisfy satisfy emotional and physiological needs.

Young people today have quite a bit of thought about love, especially sex life. Therefore, knowledge about safe and healthy sex is extremely necessary to avoid serious consequences for health, even life.

According to modern doctors and doctors: “Safe and healthy sex is having sex with only one partner, preventing unwanted pregnancies from occurring as well as avoiding STDs. sex such as: genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV… ”.

According to doctors, it is possible to understand that safe and healthy sex is that sexual intercourse does not cause dangerous diseases such as not having physical contact with vaginal fluids, semen or blood from one person to another. . This is the most important and fundamental knowledge that every person, especially men and women, when they reach puberty and adulthood, need to know.

Accordingly, one of the solutions to have safe and simple sex today is the use of a condom during sex. Current condoms are available for both men and women, not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also help you avoid the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections.

In addition, men and women absolutely do not have sex when themselves or their partners have abnormal symptoms on the genitals such as swelling, red inflammation, acne, itchiness … to avoid infection. It’s best to be faithful to one partner, have sex when you’re both healthy, and take safety measures to protect yourself and your partner’s health.

2. What is unsafe sex?

On the contrary, with the question of what is unsafe sex? Experts say that having unprotected sex is that you have sex when you do not use protective measures, have sex with many people, have sex with a prostitute … Accordingly, even by any form Any person, including vaginal sex, anal sex, or oral sex, can spread sexual diseases such as syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea, HIV / AIDS …

First of all, having unprotected sex is not using condoms during sex or contraceptive measures such as daily birth control pills, emergency contraceptive pills. Over the past years, the number of people infected with sexually transmitted diseases and abortion women has increased. This stems from incomplete or inaccurate perceptions of safe sex. Therefore, more than ever, each person needs to seriously study information about this issue, absolutely do not consider this a delicate and discreet issue.

3. Measures to have safe sex

Thus, the consequences of unprotected sex are very heavy. Therefore, using safe sex methods is especially necessary to protect your health and life. According to experts, here are the things you need to do in the matter of sex to ensure a healthy and scientific life:

3.1. Take precautions to have safe sex

Using a condom is the safest method of sex to help men and women who have sex to avoid spreading many social diseases to each other. In addition to using a condom, avoid oral and anal sex. One study shows that having unprotected oral sex with people infected with HPV can increase the risk of oral cancer.

Another study found an association between oral sex and head and neck cancer. It is believed to be due to the infection of HPV, a virus that is linked to the majority of cervical cancers and is found in nasopharyngeal cancer tissues. In addition, oral and anal sex can cause the genitals to tear, bleed, and lead to an increased risk of infection with dangerous sexual diseases.

In case a couple wants to have sex but does not want to become pregnant, they should use effective contraception such as daily contraceptive pills, emergency contraceptive pills, contraceptive implants, contraceptive patch or organ. on a safe day so you don’t get pregnant… However, when having safe sex is still the use of a condom. This is a simple, economical measure that not only brings a high ability to prevent pregnancy but also helps prevent sexually transmitted diseases effectively.

Currently, there are many different types of condoms for men and women on the market. What you need to keep in mind is the quality of the product, especially the condom should be carefully checked, to avoid being torn, punctured or out of date because it will not work.

3.2. Be faithful to your partner

One of the safe sex measures that each person needs to take is to be faithful to their partner. Having more than one sexual “partner” increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

This is completely understandable because the level of risk is higher, no one is sure that the opponent is really faithful to him, most likely they also have other “partners”. Therefore, each person should be faithful, absolutely not having sex with prostitutes, who have a complicated sex life.

3.3. No collective relationship

Just like having sex with more than one person, having group sex (with many people at the same time) increases the risk of infection with viruses and other pathogens. Even more quickly, the level of infection.

3.4. Do not use stimulants, alcohol

Alcohol or other stimulants also cause negative health effects and also cause you to lose control easily, leading to choosing the wrong “partner” relationship. Not to mention that this can make yourself less alert to use safe sex methods.

3.5. Learn carefully about your partner’s health information

Understanding the health of the other person is especially essential for couples to have an effective prevention plan to prevent unwanted problems from occurring. This is a necessary job to show that both have serious thoughts in protecting the health of themselves and the other party. This also explains why experts always recommend that everyone should have a pre-marital health check before marriage or when having sex.

3.6. Circumcision

One of the benefits of circumcision is that it minimizes the effects of the foreskin when having less sex with a lower risk of penis bleeding, making it safer to have sex. After circumcision, men can clean the penis more easily and conveniently. From there, contaminants and pathogens are removed, preventing genital infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

3.7. Get regular physical exams or when you have unusual signs

Even if you do not have unusual problems, have a healthy sex life, you also need to see a reputable male clinic or gynecology clinic if you are female and do screening tests. . This is to help you detect abnormal problems of the body early, then have proactive plans to treat, minimize unnecessary risks because many dangerous diseases have no unusual signs in the body. early stage.

To improve the quality of life, men and women need to eliminate subjective psychology or fear when going to gynecological and male exams. It is best to have regular check-ups every 6 months or go to the medical facility immediately when there are abnormal signs.

3.8. Immunization to prevent sexually transmitted diseases

One of the safety measures when having sex is the preventive vaccination at reputable social clinics. Experts emphasize that, although not 100% effective, with the two hepatitis B and HPV vaccines researched can protect you from the risk of infection from your partner up to 90%.

In particular, every woman before having sex should get the HPV vaccine. This is a vaccine that can prevent the two strains of the virus that cause cancer of the cervix and genital warts, which are now large numbers of people with rapid spread.

Thus, the question about what is safe and healthy sex, and how to have safe sex when having sex have been specifically answered by experts in the article. Hope this will be useful information to help each person build a healthy living life, improve their health and keep family happiness.

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